Frequently Asked Questions?
Can I check my APK file detection ratio after crypting?
Never try to upload APK files to any online virus scanner site like or any other. Always check your antivirus on your mobile with threat sharing turned off because these online virus scanner sites and antiviruses upload the data and distribute it, making the APK file detectable the next day.
How can I check the remaining credits of a token?
You can check the remaining credits of any token ID by clicking "Check Credit" on the homepage of the site. If the token ID is valid, you will see how much credit is left for that token.
Are there any hidden charges?
No, there are no hidden charges. You just need to purchase our plans according to your choice. All details of plans are mentioned on the Plans Pricing page.
What is the guarantee my apk will be undetectable after using your service?
Our aim is to provide the best service and good FUD (Fully UnDetectable) to our customers. However, you should know that even FUD won't remain lifetime. You have to update it whenever it gets detected by any antivirus.
What if I lose my Token ID?
First of all, you should remember your token ID and make a backup of it, saving it somewhere safe. We are not responsible for lost token IDs.
Will my uploaded apk be deleted?
Yes, our server immediately deletes all your uploaded apk files after crypting. We don't keep files after crypting.
Can I cancel my plan after purchasing?
No, we don't provide refunds after purchasing in any case because we work extremely hard to maintain all these services.